Day One: Tampa

The flight down was uneventful.  It just started waaaaayyyyy too early in the morning.  We had some wierdo hippie dude take us around the block to the airport.  What a moron.  But we made it to Tampa and onto the boat.

That's me on deck.

The Port of Tampa on the way out.

The Ship as we set sail

The Sunshine Skyway Bridge, the world's longest cable-stayed concrete bridge.  The ship cleared it by about 5 feet.  Literally.

We entered a trivia quiz on the first day and won a genuine 24 karat gold piece of ship on a stick.

We were so proud!

Later that evening they had a "Welcome Aboard" show.  Shawn, our Cruise Director, suckered a guy up onto the stage and was soliciting two more newlywed suckers.  Yep, I went up.

So, she did the usual introductions, and sent us backstage to get ready.

We had no idea what we were in for.  Although, when asked if we knew what we would be doing, I speculated, "Regretting this in about 15 minutes."  You really have to see the video to fully apreciate how prophetic that was.  These other two guys were not really into it at all.  Maybe I should've gone first.  Well, anyway, watch and laugh.

Click here for
Day Two: Fun Day at Sea